How Much Can I Make on Turo in 2023?-(Updated Average Per Month)

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You’ve probably heard of Turo, the car-sharing marketplace. And you may be wondering, how much can I make on Turo?

Turo is a great way to make some extra money by renting out your car, but it’s important to understand how the platform works and what you can expect to earn before signing up.

In this article, we’ll give you an overview of how Turo works and how much money you can expect to make.

Can You Make Good Money from Turo?

Whether or not you can make good money from Turo depends on several factors such as the location, the type of vehicle, the demand for rentals, and the pricing strategy. However, some hosts have reported making a significant amount of money from Turo.

The amount of money that hosts can earn on Turo varies based on the type and condition of the vehicle, the location of the rental, and the rental demand in that area. Hosts can set their own rental rates, but they should also consider the market rates and adjust their prices accordingly to attract renters.

Additionally, Turo offers various protection plans that hosts can choose from to protect their vehicles during rentals. Higher protection plans can increase the rental income as renters may be willing to pay more for the added protection.

So, if you’re considering renting out your car on Turo, rest assured that you can definitely make some good money from it!

How Much Can I Make on Turo?

How Much Can I Make on Turo?

The amount of money you can make on Turo depends on several factors, including the location, the type of vehicle, the demand for rentals, and the pricing strategy. However, some hosts have reported making a significant amount of money on Turo.

According to Turo, hosts can earn an average of $706 per month by renting out their cars. However, the earnings can vary significantly based on the rental demand in your area, the type and condition of the vehicle, and the pricing strategy.

To estimate how much you can make on Turo, you can use the earnings calculator on their website. This calculator takes into account the market value of your vehicle, your location, and the estimated rental demand in your area. It also provides an estimate of your potential earnings based on different rental scenarios.

These are some of the earnings from a section of hosts;

How Much Can I Make on Turo?
How Much Can I Make on Turo?
How Much Can I Make on Turo?

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How Much Does the Average Person Make off of Turo?

The average person can make a decent amount of money off of Turo. However, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, people who live in areas with a lot of tourism tend to make more money. Secondly, people who have newer and nicer cars tend to make more money as well. Finally, people who are willing to rent out their cars for longer periods of time tend to make more money.

Most Rented Cars on Turo

If you’re thinking about joining the car-sharing economy, you’re probably wondering how much you can expect to earn. While earnings vary depending on a number of factors – including the make and model of your car, where you live, and how often you rent it out – we’ve compiled data from Turo’s most popular cars to give you an idea of what you could potentially earn.

The most popularOpens in a new tab. car on Turo is the Tesla Model S, which fetches an average of $227 per day. That’s nearly $7,000 per month! Other popular cars include the BMW 3 Series ($161 per day), Audi A4 ($149 per day), and Mercedes-Benz C-Class ($145 per day).

Of course, your earnings will also depend on where you live. Cars in major metropolitan areas tend to rent for more than those in smaller cities or rural areas. For example, a Tesla Model S rents for an average of $294 per day in Los Angeles, but only $209 per day in Denver.

So if you’re considering signing up for Turo, consider renting out one of these popular cars. With rates like these, you could potentially earn a pretty penny!

How Much Can I make on Turo?

How Often Do Cars Get Rented on Turo?

While it varies depending on a number of factors, such as the make and model of your car, where you’re located, and what kind of price you’re charging, we’ve found that most cars tend to get rented out at least a few times a month.

Of course, there are always exceptions to the rule. If you live in a small town or rural area, it’s unlikely that your car will get rented out as often as it would if you lived in a major city. And if you’re charging an exceptionally high price, you might find that your car doesn’t get rented out as often as you’d like.

But all things being equal, most cars on Turo tend to get rented out a few times each month. So if you’re looking to make some extra money by renting out your car, Turo is definitely worth considering.

Is Turo Calculator accurate (Turo Calculator)

While there’s no definitive answer, there are a few ways to get an idea of how much you could potentially earn. One way is to use the Turo calculator.

The Turo calculatorOpens in a new tab. is a great tool to get an estimate of how much you could earn on the site. However, it’s important to keep in mind that the calculator is just an estimate and your actual earnings may vary.

If you’re looking to maximize your earnings on Turo, it’s important to consider a few factors. First, consider the type of car you have and whether it’s in high demand. Luxury cars and sports cars tend to fetch higher prices on Turo, so if you have one of these types of cars, you could potentially earn more.

Another factor to consider is your location. If you’re in a major city or tourist destination, you may be able to charge more for your car than if you’re in a smaller town or rural area.

Finally, it’s also important to think about the time of year when pricing your car. In general, prices are highest in the summer and the lowest in the winter. However, there may be other factors that come into play, such as holidays or special events in your area.

Keep all of these factors in mind when using the Turo calculator and you’ll be on your way to earning the most money possible from your rental car.


In conclusion, the amount of money you can make on Turo can vary based on several factors such as the location, type of vehicle, rental demand, and pricing strategy. However, Turo reports that hosts can earn an average of $706 per month by renting out their cars.

To estimate your potential earnings on Turo, you can use their earnings calculator, which takes into account the market value of your vehicle, your location, and the estimated rental demand in your area. However, these are just estimates, and the actual earnings can vary depending on various factors.

To maximize your earnings on Turo, you can optimize your listing by providing detailed information about your vehicle, setting competitive rental rates, and offering excellent customer service to attract positive reviews and repeat renters.

Overall, while there is no guarantee of making a specific amount of money on Turo, hosts who are strategic and committed to providing excellent service can potentially earn a significant amount of income.

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Chelsea Gates is one of our writers who is a big fan of travel and road trips. Car is an essential part of travel in the USA and car rental services are an excellent way to get around and to create an exciting unique trip. It can be challenging to navigate rules and regulation among different rental companies and states. As an author for this blog Chelsea shares her experience and tips on all rental services that she had to navigate during the travel. She is always on the move and shares her views and discoveries with our readers.

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